1129 Mabry Hood Rd. Knoxville, TN 37932 |
Phone: (865) 337-0495
Email: craigadunn@outlook.com
Specializing in Utility and Industrial Commercial Electrical Engineering |
- Power Resources: DHRS provided project management staffing for the construction of the KUB Tennessee Avenue Substation and Transmission line. Project Management of the installation of the electrical distribution system on the Quantico Marine Base in Quantico, Virginia.
- Bass Electric: Arc Flash studies for large multiple source data centers in Florida, North Carolina, Texas, Illinois, and Missouri.
- Bass Services: Completed Arc Flash studies for Bush Brothers, SECO, Sonoco, Yale, and many other industries. Conducted Arc Flash employee training.
- Redflex Traffic Systems: Review camera based traffic light enforcement systems in Tennessee, Ohio, and Texas.
- GRW Engineering: Evaluated the City of Lexington, Kentucky's downtown electrical power distribution system.
- Alcoa Aluminum: DHRS has provided safety inspection personnel for plants located in Texas, Spain, and South America.
- TDX Power: DHRS completed electrical power distribution audits and evaluations for Sand Pointe, Alaska: Adak, Alaska; Deadhorse, Alaska; Bethel Alaska, and Fort Saftner, Hawaii. These projects required a report stating the overall system operational state, conformance to electrical codes, and approximate plant value. A system walkdown was performed. DHRS provides continuing engineering support to most TDX Power projects.
- American Collectibles Network: DHRS has recently completed the design, specifications, and coordinated the installation of a three phase and single phase UPS systems, a three phase generator, and automatic transfer switch arrangement in order for the cable TV sales operation to broadcast 24 hours a day, 7 days a week regardless of interruptions in utility supplied electrical power.
- PBR Automotive: DHRS completed a walkdown and breaker coordination study for this brake caliper manufacturing facility. The plant contains 4-4000 amp 480-volt breakers, which required internal and external breaker coordination
- Knology: DHRS is under contract to prepare pole attachment application for a high speed communication company for over 100,000 poles. This project is expected to require 5 to 6 years and requires interfacing with the Knoxville Utilities Board, City of Knoxville, and all communication utilities..
- City of Oak Ridge Electric Department: DHRS has completed a contract to design, stake, and prepare material requirements for a double circuit 13 kV distribution line to serve a water treatment facility. Planning is required for outage contingencies and emergency switching. DHRS has also completed the engineering plans for an underground 600 amp feeder and underbulit 13 kV distribution circuit. DHRS completed an 8-circuit distribution line to serve as feeders from a newly constructed substation to electrical load in excess of three miles away.
- Mesa Engineering Inc.: DHRS provided the engineering for the relocation of upgrade of distribution facilities for a nuclear incinerator site. Also preformed walkdown assessments of 69,000 volt transmission lines.
- Sevier County Electric System: DHRS calculated and prepared the settings and test sheets for a 3 Zone distance relay to feed their newest substation.
- Elizabethton Electric System: DHRS prepared the estimate and pole count for a State of Tennessee road widening project that is in excess of 5 miles. DHRS will also plan, stake, prepare material requirements, profile and size poles, provide sag charts, and job sketches for the relocation of 5 miles of three phase line.
- Rockwood Electric Utility: DHRS completed design and staked the underground electrical facilities for an 80-acre commercial and residential development.
- Plexco: DHRS has completed the design and specifications for the installation of a 2-2500 kVA 13kV to 277/480V padmounted transformers, underground cables to feed a 3000-amp switchgear, and buss duct to connect various service panels. This work is to be coordinated with the local electric utility.
- IPIX: DHRS has completed the design, layout and connections of a 125 kW natural gas / propane generator and automatic transfer switch. Continuous available power is vital to this Internet service company
- Goody’s Family Clothing, Inc.: DHRS provided the specifications and drawings for the installation of 1-200 kVA three phase diesel generator, 1-11.5 kVA diesel generator, 3 transfer switches, and evaluated the loads and connection scheme for it’s Corporate Office data center that was supplied by 100 kVA of UPS equipment. Evaluation of energy saving devices and the installation of power factor correction equipment.
- Premier Industries: DHRS provided plans and specifications for the upgrade of electrical power facilities serving an existing plant. The plans included the redesign of the outside 13kV system and the breaker coordination scheme for the plant. Plans will also be completed for the connection of an emergency electrical generator. Critical loads will be identified and a plan to connect those loads to an automatic transfer switch will be completed
- Beaver Creek Cumberland Presbyterian Church Family Life Center: prepared electrical prints for the main electrical power supply, lights, outlets, and HVAC equipment.
- Sleep Inn Pigeon Forge, TN: prepared electrical prints for the main electrical power supply, lights, outlets, elevator equipment, conference rooms, fire protection, outdoor lighting, and HVAC equipment.
- TNT Gymnastics: prepared prints for electrical main panel upgrade
- Taylor Construction, Inc.: DHRS has prepared the electrical loads and plans for the renovation of a restaurant for the purposes of presenting to the City of Knoxville in order to receive a building permit
- Pole counting for Lenoir City Utilities Board: DHRS has provided qualified contract personnel to work with representatives of the cable TV companies and the telephone companies to count and verify the number of joint use poles, owner of the poles and the types of attachments. DHRS generally can perform this service on a cost per pole basis plus a project management fee.
- State Highway Street Lighting design for the City of Knoxville: DHRS has recommended street light fixtures, location, size, and staked poles, prepared illumination study, prepared and submitted all drawings as required by the State of Tennessee, and prepared drawings for construction crews.
- Little Creek Sanitarium: Plans and specifications were prepared for the purchase and installation of a 200 kW diesel generator and a 1600 Amp transfer switch to serve a Nursing Home Facility.
- Breed Technologies: DHRS has prepared plans to upgrade the electrical facilities to facilitate the installation of additional equipment. The job required a new electrical main and entrance wires from a new utility transformer.